How to check Sassa status, Know All The Status Here

The South African Social Services Agency (SASSA) administers comprehensive social assistance and relief programs for vulnerable citizens. These initiatives provide monthly financial support, helping millions afford necessities.

With heightened economic constraints since COVID-19, understanding how to check the status of SASSA grant applications is essential for approved beneficiaries and those still awaiting assistance. This guide covers everything you need to know.

SASSA Grant Programs Available
SASSA’s mandates are alleviating poverty and promoting socio-economic inclusion for marginalized South Africans through the following main programs:

  • Old Age Grant – R2,130 monthly for women over 60 and men over 65 meeting income criteria
  • Disability Grant – R2,130 monthly for adults with confirmed mental/physical disability
  • Care Dependency Grant – R2,130 monthly for children with severe disabilities requiring fulltime caregiving
  • Child Support Grant – R500 per child monthly to aid costs like nutrition, transportation and clothing
  • Foster Child Grant – R1,130 monthly per foster child to offset care expenses
  • Social Relief of Distress – Temporary R350 monthly relief for citizens with insufficient means

Each grant has specific qualifying factors around age, unemployment status, income thresholds, identity validation etc. Consult the SASSA website for eligibility specifics before applying.

CRUCIAL: You must reapply for the temporary Social Relief of Distress (SRD R350) grant every month to confirm you still meet set criteria in order to continue receiving aid.

What Documentation is Needed?
To apply for SASSA grants, have the following documents ready for submission:

  • A green, barcoded ID book/card
  • Proof of residential address
  • Banking details
  • Birth certificates of dependent children
  • Medical assessment reports confirming disability

Also helpful are marriage certificates, salary payslips, refugee IDs, lease agreements and affidavits from community members confirming situations. Submit clear, certified copies of documents, never originals.

Where To Access Application Forms

SASSA grant application forms can be obtained both online and in-person from:

  • SASSA national website & provincial office sites
  • Local SASSA district offices & service points
  • South African Post Office branches
  • Selected clinics/hospitals
  • Approved police stations
  • Community development centers

Ensure you access and carefully complete the specific form for the relief program you are targeting. Forms contain necessary prompts to submit all required personal, financial and medical information.

Step-by-Step Guide: Applying for SASSA Grants

Follow this process:

  1. Determine the best SASSA grant matching your situation and confirm qualification criteria are met.
  2. Collect all the required ID documents, proof of residence, disability assessments reports etc.
  3. Access the precise application form online or visit nearest SASSA office.
  4. Complete all sections of the form thoroughly and legibly. Disclose accurate information.
  5. Submit the application and copies of supporting documents to your local SASSA office, hospital, clinic police station or via Government Online Services.
  6. Receive and safely store an application reference number for status tracking.
  7. Await outcome notifications – processing times range from 48 hours to 90 days depending on grant type.
  8. Respond to requests promptly. Provide any further details to SASSA if queries arise or application is flagged for review.

If eligible, meticulously adhere to instructions on accessing your awarded funds through designated paypoints or bank transfers. Immediately notify SASSA if any circumstance changes impacting your grant status.

Online, Phone & SMS Methods to Check SASSA Grant Status

  1. Through SASSA Website: Visit, enter your ID and phone number used on
    application, then select ‘Submit’ to view status.
  2. Via SMS:
    Send “SASSA” and your 13-digit ID number to 082 046 8553
  3. Through SASSA WhatsApp Support: Add 082 046 8553 to contacts. Type SASSA. Reply STATUS and follow prompts.
  4. By Telephonic Support Call Center: Call 0800 60 10 11 and provide your ID number to confirm status.
  5. Through Third-Party Apps: Download the Moya application. Navigate to and select SASSA GRANT status checker.

Interpreting Key SASSA Grant Status Results

  • Application Complete: Successfully submitted, will be verified
  • Status Declined: Did not meet eligibility criteria
  • Status Pending: Still under review
  • Period Pending: Reverification ongoing for specific month
  • Period Approved: Temporarily eligible for certain month
  • Period Declined: Rejected for particular month – submit appeal
  • Cancelled: Grant halted – request reinstatement

One can further check dates where approved funds can be collected by confirming the latest Payment Schedule on the SASSA website for each cycle.

Getting Personal Assistance From SASSA Representatives

If uncertain on eligibility, required documents, accurately completing forms or addressing status queries – visit nearest SASSA regional offices marked by blue signage.

Here, dedicated social workers and administrators provide free one-on-one guidance on:

  • Clarifying grant criteria
  • Explaining needed paperwork
  • Ensuring correct form completion
  • Directing applicants to other government welfare or community upliftment services where relevant
  • Assisting with status checks, payment collections and updating personal details

Public officials at South African Police, clinics and hospitals also have experience addressing common issues faced.

Why Repeatedly Re-Apply for The SRD Grant?

Given its temporary nature as COVID-19 crisis relief for vulnerable non-recipients of regular grants, SASSA emphasizes that reapplying for the Social Relief of Distress (SRD R350) grant every month is crucial.

This allows SASSA to:

  • Regularly reconfirm applicant’s financial eligibility
  • Update identification photographs, biometrics and contact details
  • Maintain consent for inter-governmental data sharing as per law
  • Continually audit beneficiary status through banks, tax authorities to identify any changes in employment or income circumstances

So proactively re-apply online every month during the specified application dates SASSA communicates. Avoid missing out due to accidental grant suspension from not providing renewed consent.

Can Foreign Nationals Access SASSA Grants?

SASSA grants predominantly cover South African citizens, permanent residents or registered refugees/asylum seekers.

However foreign nationals with valid visas under the Lesotho Exemption Permit, Zimbabwe Exemption Permit or Special Angolan Dispensation may qualify for assistance if meeting requirements. Enquire directly at SASSA district offices for current guidance.

Where To Find The Latest SASSA Grant News?

Stay updated on new developments, payment dates, eligibility amendments and announcements by:

  1. Checking the official SASSA website routinely
  2. Following SASSA social media channels (Facebook, Twitter)
  3. Subscribing to receive email newsletters directly from provincial SASSA offices
  4. Reading grant policy updates in bi-annual Social Development portfolio committee meetings
  5. Monitoring traditional news media channels for coverage of major grant amendments
  6. Visiting nonprofit organizations like the Black Sash and the South African Social Security Agency for the latest legal analysis and research on grants.

The Way Forward: Improving South Africa’s Social Assistance Model

While SASSA has made pivotal strides expanding South Africa’s social safety net and streamlining status checks via digital channels, significant gaps remain in reaching wider vulnerable groups.

Ongoing advocacy efforts focus on:

  • Extending coverage eligibility, particularly unemployment assistance for youth
  • Automating document submission to minimize application rejections
  • Centralizing data for improved beneficiary tracking across provinces
  • Enabling multi-channel re-application functionality countrywide
  • Annually adjusting grant amounts to match inflation rates

Achieving these aims requires consolidated efforts between policymakers, civil society groups, private sector resources and public accountability to mold administrative systems centered on human dignity.

Through compassion and co-creation, South Africa inch closer to realizing constitutional rights of comprehensive social security for all.


SASSA grants provide crucial lifelines in a country grappling economic inequality and structural unemployment challenges. Effectively checking application or payment status expedites access for approved beneficiaries.

This guide outlined the complete process – from identifying relevant documentation, applying correctly, available status checking channels and understanding typical responses. We also covered where to find the latest announcements, get personal assistance and discussed proposals to keep improving an expansive safety net preserving livelihoods.

With information empowerment, South Africans can optimally leverage vital welfare provisions government avails, particularly during current testing times.

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