Quick Steps for SASSA R350 Banking Change, Know The Details

Obtaining the SASSA R350 COVID-19 grant can be a financial lifeline for many unemployed South Africans. However, recipients often experience frustrating delays in receiving funds due to incorrect banking details provided during application. If your grant payments are not coming through, likely your account information requires updating.

So how do you change banking details on SASSA for the R350 grant? This guide will walk through the steps to successfully update your banking details on the SASSA website so that your approved monthly R350 grant can be paid out without hold-ups. We’ll cover how to access the banking details change option, submit your new account information accurately, and check that your updated details are reflected in the system. With the right up-to-date banking details, you can ensure you promptly receive your SASSA grant of R350 each month.

This comprehensive guide will explain:

  • How to submit banking details on the SASSA SRD website
  • Steps to change your banking details if needed
  • Ensuring account details are accurate to get paid
  • Checking grant application status

Read on for full details on successfully providing and updating your banking details with SASSA to get your grant paid out promptly each month.

How to Submit Banking Details on the SASSA SRD Website

To receive your social grant, you must log into the SASSA SRD website and provide your banking details. This associates your approved grant application with your bank account. Follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Access the SASSA SRD website
  2. Scroll down and locate the section “How do I submit my banking details?”
  3. Enter your 13-digit South African ID number when prompted.
  4. An SMS text message will be sent to your cell phone number containing a link to submit banking details.
  5. Open the link in the SMS and input your account information as directed.

If choosing a bank account, ensure it belongs to you personally. SASSA cannot pay your grant into another person’s account.

For money transfers via mobile banking, the cell phone number must be registered in your name. SASSA will not pay out grants if the mobile number belongs to someone else.

Newly input banking details are only used for future grant payments once verification is complete. Incorrect details will likely result in a non-approved status.

Changing Bank Account Details on the SASSA Website

If you need to change your existing banking details provided to SASSA, follow the same process:

  1. Go on the website and locate “How do I change my banking details?”
  2. Enter your 13-digit RSA ID number.
  3. You will receive an SMS with a link to change details.
  4. Open the link and input your new account information as instructed.

Changing details does not affect grants already paid into your prior account. The new details are only applied after the verification process is finished, which may take some time. Be sure to input the updated, accurate account that belongs to you.

Ensuring Bank Details Are Correct for Faster Approval

To avoid frustrating delays in receiving your SRD grant due to unconfirmed banking details, be very careful when inputting your account information into the SASSA portal.

Follow these tips:

  • Double-check that the account number, bank name, branch code, and account type is 100% accurate. Even small errors will prevent verification.
  • Input details slowly and carefully on the SASSA banking page. Typos are easy to make when rushing.
  • If using a bank account, confirm the name matches your ID exactly. Minor spelling differences will cause issues.
  • For mobile wallets, ensure your registered SIM card name and ID names match.
  • Only input your personal account details. Do not use someone else’s account.
  • If you input incorrect details by mistake the first time, change them as soon as possible.
  • After submitting new details, allow sufficient time for SASSA to verify them before your next grant payment date.

Taking extra care when first submitting your banking details, or making any changes later, will help verify them faster and avoid delayed grant payouts. Be sure to use the correct official SASSA website and exercise caution providing your personal information online.

Checking Your SASSA SRD Grant Application Status

After applying for the SRD grant and providing your banking details, you can check the current status of your application using the SASSA website:

  1. Go to website
  2. Scroll down and select “Check My Status
  3. Enter your 13-digit South African ID number
  4. The status will display, including:
  • Pending Verification – Your details are still being checked
  • Approved – Your grant application has been approved
  • Not Approved – Your application was unsuccessful. Common reasons include:
  • Banking details errors
  • Unresolved failed validation checks
  • Missing information in your application

For pending or non-approved statuses, you may need to confirm your details, update any incorrect banking information, or provide additional documentation to SASSA. Be sure to regularly check your status.


Submitting correct banking details to SASSA and promptly updating any changes is crucial to avoid grant payment delays. Carefully follow the prompts on the SASSA SRD website and double-check your details. Confirm your application status regularly. Accurate account information will help ensure you receive your approved grant on time each month. Reach out to the SASSA call center if you need assistance managing your grant application and payments.

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